RETREAT CALENDAR 2025See below – Important information to read before booking your stay at Le Moulin
Welcome to Moulin de Chaves
Moulin de Chaves seeks to offer a retreat environment, teachings and practices to support Freedom and Awakening. Our practice consists of skilfully meeting and inquiring into all of life: in silence and in communication, in solitude and in community, in simplicity and also amidst various daily complexities. Living here together we all need to take care with our actions and intentions; the following rules and reflections are intended to support the safety and ease of all of us.
- The basis of any spiritual practice is bringing sensitivity and care to life. We use the 5 Buddhist virtues as a basis for this, undertaking together to honour all life here, to respect each other’s being and property, to safeguard honesty and trust, and to be with our hearts and minds as intimately and directly as possible, for the awakening of authentic wisdom and compassion.
- The daily schedule is posted on the notice board at the entrance to the community hall. Visitors are expected to participate fully. This supports the sincerity and commitment of each one of us.
- For all of us, our working meditation is an important aspect of Dharma practice here. We are asked to bring the same care, connection and interest to our work as in all other areas of life here. If you are unsure about any aspect of your work period, please just ask one of the manager team.
- The House guidelines posted below and on the notice board are for the harmony and ease of all of us. Please read and follow them fully.
We wish you an insightful and nourishing stay with us.
Please read and follow the guidelines listed below. They are there for the benefit of all of us.
- Thank you for respecting the privacy of those who live and work here full time and do not go into areas marked “private”.
- During your stay here, the consumption of alcohol and drugs is strictly forbidden.
- If you have arrived late for a retreat at Le Moulin, check the notice board in the main entrance hall, to find out where you will be staying. Remember to present yourself to the office the next morning to register.
- Thank you for not wearing shoes inside the main house and in the meditation hall. Leave them neatly on the right-hand side of the main entrance hall. Communal slippers are available.
- Due to Covid we ask that you now bring your own cup with you.
- There is free wifi, and a computer is available in the office area 1st floor, at lunchtimes only. Please use only if necessary.
- Keep the library tidy, returning books to the right section when finished, indicated by the coloured dots. Please do not leave books outside.
- The kitchen area is off limits unless you are working there. It is forbidden to go into the kitchen and help yourselves to food at any time.
- Keep communal areas clean and how you would wish to find them, especially toilets and bathrooms. Try to avoid going into them whilst they are being cleaned during the Karma yoga/work period.
- Remember to turn lights and heaters off when they are not being used.
- People staying in the main building 2nd and 3rd floor, please walk quietly and lightly. As it is an old building footsteps can be heard clearly below.
- Sleeping areas will be silent at all times and if you are sharing a room, lights should be put out by 23h00, out of respect for the others.
- If there are queues in the main house for showers, there are 3 showers and 4 toilets in the adjacent outside toilet/shower block. So as not to disturb others, do not use the showers or flush the toilets after 22h30 (unless it is necessary)
- It is advised not to bring food into rooms as it can encourage mice.
- If you decide to go swimming, you do so at your own risk. Please tell someone you are going and swim only during free times. Wet swim wear and towels should be dried on the washing lines, and not left to dry around the house and gardens.
- A first aid kit is found in the downstairs toilet/shower block. In case of emergencies there is a doctors and pharmacy in the village.
- If you smoke, please do so in the specified area, which by the front gate only and dispose of your cigarette ends carefully.
- PLEASE NO CANDLES, NO INCENSE, NO FIRE OF ANY KIND is allowed anywhere in the house or on the grounds of Le Moulin.
Prices for accommodation varies depending on room type and length of the retreat. To see the different accommodation options and prices for each retreat, please click on the retreat to see the information page.
The event must be paid in full at the time of registration. Payment is through Stripe, which allows for credit card payment through the online registration process.
Once you have completed the process, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your booking. If you do not receive this email, (check spam folder first) or you experience any difficulties booking, please contact us directly by email or telephone.
Le Moulin can offer up to 3 bursary places for each Moulin retreat on a first come, first served basis (Moulin retreats are those retreats taught by Martin or Gail Aylward or by an invited teacher in the Theravada, Insight Meditation tradition). You will find a list of retreats where bursary places are available at the bottom of this page.
Reasons for applying for a bursary application
A.Young person under 27 with limited finances
B.Exceptional circumstances
(eg chronic health conditions, financial hardship, disadvantage minorities )
C. Working in voluntary or low waged social / humanitarian services
Bursaries are offered for shared accommodation only. However if you need a bursary for single occupancy accommodation, for either a health condition, or for Trans/Non Binary gender, or any other reason, please give details.
Options of discount available
Meditation Work Period (Karma Yoga)
During your stay we may ask you to participate in a 1hr supplementary meditation work period daily, helping in the kitchen or household. This won’t impact on your teaching or practice in any way.
How to obtain a Bursary place
To obtain a Bursary place, please contact the Moulin office at [email protected]
In your email please state:
Title: Bursary place request
In the message:
Which retreat you wish to attend – please give 1st choice and 2nd choice
your reason for applying (see categories above)
Your choice of discount percentage
Your choice of accommodation – shared room or shared Moulin tent
If a shared room is not an option for you and you need a single room or tent, please give reasons.
Retreats where a Bursary option is available 2025
It is possible to come and spend time at Le Moulin following your own personal silent retreat.
Either staying in the main house or in the new single rooms set in the grounds, you would have your own room or tent to follow your own daily personal retreat / meditation rhythm.
Within the days there can also be the space to read, journal, walk or simply take the time to just be with yourself where you are, right now.
There is access to a variety of Dharma talks as well as a library of Dharma related books.
To apply you need to have attended a minimum of 2 silent retreats beforehand for a minimum of 5 days each.
There may or may not be access to a resident teacher depending on their availability.
During your stay at the Moulin we will ask you to participate in a 1hr daily work meditation. More information about work meditation can be found here under ‘‘Karma Yoga’.
These are the dates currently available for Personal Retreat:
- Monday 14 – 20 April 2025
- Monday 25 – 31 August 2025
- Monday 22 – 28 September 2025
All arrivals are on Monday from 2pm.
We ask that you stay a minimum of 5 nights.
If you would like to participate in a silent retreat at the Moulin during one of the dates listed, please contact the Moulin office:
[email protected]
Stating your preferred stay dates and room choice:
Single cabin shared bathroom – €95/night
Single en-suite room – €120/ night
Single room shared bathroom – €105/ night
Please read the Covid guidelines at the Moulin, which are in place to keep us all safe.
If a participant should cancel this event up to 2 months before the starting date, it is refundable less a €75 administration fee. If cancelled 1 month before the event, 50% is refundable . If cancelled less than 1 month before the event, there is no refund.
Participants may wish to take out an insurance to cover themselves in case of any eventuality.
Participants cancelling more than one month before the event may also choose to keep their payment as credit for a future event, valid for one full year. If this option is chosen, a 50€ administration fee will be deducted.
If the Moulin should cancel this event, it would return all monies paid by participants for Moulin accommodation.
Is a silent retreat totally silent?
Participants remain in silence throughout the retreat, except for speaking in individual or group meetings with the teacher(s), or in asking the teacher(s) questions in the meditation hall. On most silent retreats, silence also means refraining from reading and phone use. The silence is designed to allow the retreatant to slow down and open up, to stay attuned to subtleties of immediate experience, and to more deeply penetrate mind and body.
Can anyone attend a silent retreat?
Unless stated otherwise, silent retreats are open to anyone. Prior meditation experience is not necessary. Silent retreats are designed to be equally accessible to both beginning and experienced meditators.
Can I talk to the teacher?
There will be various ways to speak with the teacher(ds), including Q&A in the hall, small group meetings and one to one dialogues.
Can I read or journal?
Reading is discouraged as part of the context of silence. Journaling is permitted and encouraged, with the advice to keep it minimal.